Martell Family Portrait Session
Not only did the Martell family used to live in my neighborhood, but Rick is an attorney that I’ve had the pleasure of working with on a case when he worked at a defense firm in Baltimore. When Rick was searching for a photographer and came across my name it seemed like the perfect fit. It’s reasons like this that we Baltimoreans call it Smalltimore.
Rick and Hillary moved out of a row house to a gorgeous single family home on 8 acres of land! What a drastic change. You’d never guess that they haven’t lived in the country their entire lives. Henry, Vera and Eliza were so proud to show me around their piece of property. Vera is 5 and the first thing she did was give me a tour of their land. She showed me their meadow, pond, barn and told me all about their chickens. Henry is 6 and was the perfect role model for his sisters on how to smile for the camera. Eliza is only 3 and was a bit skeptical of me. It was so cute watching little Eliza keep looking at her siblings on how to react to me taking pictures. She had no interest in posing for me without them. That’s ok, because I got some great ones of Eliza anyway. Sneaking in pictures when little kids least expect it is the best part about being a family photographer!